The Impacts of COVID on Marriages

15 April 2021

The COVID-19 global pandemic has impacted our way of life regardless of country. Its impacts can be felt in our daily routines. But what about the practical impacts of COVID on marriages around the world? What does it mean for families? There are more than a few ways that COVID has changed things for parents and families alike. More importantly, it may be a sign of things to come, not just some passing fad amid a global pandemic. Here are some of the biggest impacts to parenting in a pandemic and how these lessons may apply even when things return to “normal.”

One of the Biggest Impacts of COVID: Sending Kids to School

Before the pandemic, there was no second thought about it. Kids went to school simply because that’s how things were. Children need education, after all. Most of them are not homeschooled, bringing about the need for an educational facility. But the pandemic changed all of that. Now, parents who sent their children to school have to manage remote classrooms. Even more of a challenge is managing those remote responsibilities while dealing with their own work situations. Those who still have to go to work, and not remotely, have an even bigger challenge. As things start to normalize in some areas, there is the question of whether to send kids back to school. Until there are universal guidelines, is it the right move to send them back? It is one of the burning questions that parents face on a daily basis.

Families Have More Time Together

Before the pandemic changed our daily lives, other activities were taking up time rather than school. Many extracurricular activities have been suspended due to COVID concerns. The same goes for sporting events. So, while families would normally be occupied with their busy schedules and activities, they are now faced with more free time than ever before. Where kids are concerned, that can be a particularly troubling thing for parents. After all, that excess energy possessed by kids now has to be re-directed in some way. Families are now tasked with filling the gaps in those schedules. Those with children in sports or other activities don’t simply want their kids playing video games or watching TV all day. So the matter becomes what to do to fill in that time. More and more families are exploring activities together. We can only spend so much time with one another, but it is a chance for families to come together and get closer. If anything, the pandemic has necessitated the need to get creative.

Vaccination Opinions are Among the Major Impacts

In recent months, there has been talk of a vaccination becoming readily available. The vaccination is expected to become widely available through a slew of manufacturers, each with its own set of side effects. Despite the arrival of a vaccine, there is still uncertainty abound. Not everyone is thrilled with the prospect of a vaccine that is ready to hit the market in such a short period of time. Is it safe? Will any potential side effects be worth it? Even within a single household, those opinions differ greatly. It is not uncommon for two spouses to disagree on whether or not they or their children should get the vaccination. This disagreement has led to strife in more than one domestic situation. With the increasing availability of the vaccination, it begs the question of what families are to do. Some are universally on board with getting the vaccination, feeling it is the quickest path to normalcy in what has become an abnormal world. Unfortunately, there have been marriage-ending battles waged during the quarantine of COVID. Couples separating because they disagree about vaccinations is only going to be part of the new reality.

COVID Impacts on Co-Parenting

Things are substantially different for those living in the same home. But what about separated or divorced parents that live in different homes? There have been multiple bubbles created, leading to further questions surrounding parenting in a pandemic. There have been new norms and ground rules established during the pandemic. Those new norms are difficult to achieve when it comes to having parents in different households. After all, each parent may have a different set of rules than the other. That is why it is of the utmost importance for divorced parents to work in tandem during uncertain times. Things have changed. They are more difficult to manage than ever before. But the importance of creating a sense of normalcy is still there. The need to create a home for the children is just as important. Though there are increased frustrations surrounding being a parent in this new climate, it has not changed the basic needs of parents and children.

disagreement couple covidThe Impacts Can be Felt in the Court Systems

The scenarios mentioned above are somewhat clearer. At least in those instances, the parents are either currently together or already separated or divorced. But what about marriages that have not fully dissolved? The court systems were already backed up before the pandemic. Since the pandemic has become a way of life, there have been court closures. There have been delays in the system. All that means is that the system has become even further backed up. So, if you were anticipating a divorce in 2020 or 2021, the game may have changed. Divorce is not an impossibility, but it has become a long, complicated process. Couples now have to make an important decision. Do they proceed with their plans of divorce or work to try and reconcile? The former path is clearer but will take longer than ever before to achieve. The latter path is filled with uncertainty and may ultimately result in the same decisions. To say that COVID has had major impacts on our way of living would be an understatement. Those impacts have been felt perhaps no more greatly than by those struggling with separation and divorce.